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The Whole World is Short Staffed

But not Labor Short

I turned into the drive thru of the local fast food restaurant, waited my turn to get to the speaker, waited some more to reach the window and saw this sign that amplifies the customer service experience of late.  If you want service, be patient.  Why is the world short staffed? Is it that there are not enough people to work?  “In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau counted 331... ReadMore

Work on Demand: It’s Nothing New

Efficient use of labor. Working at a moment in time.

What does a newspaper distributor, a contractor, an elderly care agency and a school district have in common? It is the paper boy’s story.  Having a paper route was a thing.  Kids who wanted income would make arrangements with a newspaper distributor; pick up the papers, roll each up, stuff it in plastic, load them on their bikes and throw them on the lawns of customers on their route.... ReadMore

Add a Food Runner during the Lunch and Dinner Rush

Hot meals. Shorter wait times. Happy customers. Increased sales.

At my favorite pancake house on a recent visit, I was seated next to the kitchen.  I faced the grill and could see the plates piling up on the shelf with the overhead heat lamp.  Of course my food was lukewarm when I finally got it, but there were so few servers I didn’t have the heart to give mine a hard time.Back when I was a restaurant manager, I would run the food, during busy time... ReadMore

Happy Juneteenth!

The First Juneteenth

“On June 19, 1865, nearly two years after President Abraham Lincoln emancipated enslaved Africans in America, Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas with news of freedom. More than 250,000 African Americans embraced freedom by executive decree in what became known as Juneteenth or Freedom Day. With the principles of self-determination, citizenship, and democracy magnifying their hopes and ... ReadMore

Signing bonuses. Job fairs. Creative hire.

Are the shifting priorities of job seekers being considered?

Businesses are having a difficult time finding dependable, productive employees in Hawaii due to a worker shortage. The COVID-19 pandemic has made the scarcity worse, and although things are getting better, they are still not back to where they were before the pandemic. A Hawaii News Now reports, that around 7,500 employment positions were available in Hawaii in 2019, but by December 2021, that nu... ReadMore